Our Story

During a vacation through South East Asia, we met a couple who travelled the world while working online. The term “digital nomad'“ had not yet hit mainstream vernacular, but we started imagining what that life would look like for us. About 3 months after we returned from that vacation, COVID lockdown hit and we were forced to figure out how to work remotely. Over the next few months we discussed the pros and cons of this crazy idea, and ultimately decided to move forward with our plan to leave the United States in January 2021.

As much as we hated the thought of leaving our grown kids, at the time we weren’t able to spend time with them due to the pandemic, so we thought it would be a good time to at least give it a try. The overwhelming motivation, beyond the magic that comes from the experience of travel, was truthfully - money. The pandemic was bringing uncertainty to the future of Jason’s employment. That fact, along with the rising housing costs in Seattle and weight of debt we were facing made a lower cost of living look very attractive. When crunching the numbers, we found that we could reduce and even eliminate our debt in a fraction of the time as if we were in the United States.

We continued planning and finally decided on Mexico as our first destination. Ten months later, on Halloween 2020, we left Seattle and have been on this journey ever since.

Over the next three years, our adventure took us all over Mexico and as far south as Costa Rica. We spent an unplanned four months in Granada, Nicaragua house sitting and then returned to Mexico to continue on our original itinerary.

We have learned to be better at productive remote work, better partners and honestly - better humans.

We have experienced breathtaking moments that have brought us to tears, as well as devastating personal loss and medical issues. But we are still here, still moving forward and more determined than ever to reach our goals.

Today, life looks very different then it did on day one. We have learned first hand that travel and the experiences you have along the way are something you pay for that pays you back endlessly. The perspective you have on life and your place in it becomes much more defined and no matter what happens in life, no one can take that away from you.

Check back as we add new features, free help, and blog posts to educate, entertain and inspire!

In the meantime, please love yourself, take care of your money and spread around some kindness whenever you can.

-Adventure Awaits!


Chanin & Jason



This is probably my favorite of all of our videos, I smiled through the entire edit.

Enjoy 3 minutes of highlights from our first four years as digital nomads...

We spent 3 magical months in Colombia.

Join us as we showcase one of our favorite events in our entire 3 year journey - the grand finale to the annual “Feria de las Flores” in Medellin.


We definitely DID the Yucatan!!

Using Merida as a home base, we explored ruins, cenotes, beaches and as much as we could find within a few hours drive.

If you are curious about this incredibly safe city and what there is to do nearby - this video is a good place to start!